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Brandt Moran
Orchid Blooming Triggers – The Cultural Requirements Our Orchids Need to Bloom

Brandt Moran has been growing orchids for 25 years in every way imaginable.
He started on a west facing windowsill. As the collection grew, he built a dedicated growing space where he grew under lights. When the orchids threatened to take over his growing area, the kitchen table, and his side of the bedroom furniture, he built his own greenhouse providing 192 sq ft of prime growing space. Of course, this was quickly filled, so with a recent move to the Eastern Shore of Virginia, he is once again building a greenhouse that will start life as a 400 sq ft structure, with the infrastructure to add two more 400 sq ft growing areas at a later date.
His collection has morphed into mostly Brazilian species in the Epidendroideae subfamily. Along the way he has tried his hand at almost every major genera within the orchid world.
His lecture will focus on the cultural “tricks” that will convince our sometimes stubborn orchids to bloom at their very best. An open forum is anticipated with everyone hopefully becoming involved in the discussion. So come ready to share your secrets and successes.

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